

Seeing as the movie is out soon, and that it's been found (rediscovered after being *gasp* neglected by me; at least it's a good conversation piece at your house), RCKY is now a stale joke (at the same time, an old man (still packing a good left hook) and the best pet EVER).
There IS Truth. It CAN be found.
Relativism SUCKS.


Important question

The Bible is an accurate historical document. True or false.


It's just a POST.

Shocking, isn't it.
No, this is NOT a clone of this. That was just an excuse for a bad joke.
Speaking of jokes: I've been labeled as one. Not that it's recent or anything. Don't worry if it isn't obvious. There are supposedly plenty of eyewitness accounts. Somewhere. (Now if that wasn't an open invitation for my regular (or new) tormentors to use the *gasp* horrendous thing called a tagbox I swore not to put up here, I don't know what is. Meh. RCKY feels used.)
In a way it's funny how I actually don't mind being laughed at. As long as people laugh, it's all good. This is disturbing, though I'm thankful for the fact (?) that so far the people laughing AT me can also laugh WITH me: making laughing at myself a lot easier. Gah I need some psychoanalysis. I'll have to admit that there is no way I'm going to reach the heights of being the funnyguy-with-his-very-own-variety-show like a certain (now this is really shocking news) primary school mate (well, now you know where not to send your kids to, though you don't know where not to; seeing as I haven't smeared its prestigious chinese name as of yet to avoid the press) who has acheived infamy for being the ultimate joke(r) in school (popular belief being subjective, though still popular).
As someone has pointed out: I'm a comedy of errors. Not that I was conceived accidentally or anything (I'm VERY certain of this). But hey. I've fumbled along alright. I know where I'm going.
That. Was a rare moment of coherent reflection. You can imagine the nonsense I myself can't understand when put in words.


"I have questions; questions that need answering." *ducks to avoid low beam*

All you need is a simple mind. Heh.
Black or brown or dark green or white?
Ok. Now that my entire wardrobe has been revealed, we move on to:
Intelligent design or evolution?
Big bang or creation?
How much does it matter to you, if it matters at all?
Theory or belief?
Is there even a difference between the above two?
What are you Certain of?
How certain are you of Certainty?
Do we have free will?
What happens to 'us' when we 'die'?
Wanna bet your life?
Who really cares if these questions get answered?
Are there answers?
Are you sure?
Are you pissed that this sounds like what you're doing in school and some idiot actually bothers to think about it?
Did any of those questions make sense?
Did you think about them?
Who is reading this anyway?
Why bother, indeed?