
"I have questions; questions that need answering." *ducks to avoid low beam*

All you need is a simple mind. Heh.
Black or brown or dark green or white?
Ok. Now that my entire wardrobe has been revealed, we move on to:
Intelligent design or evolution?
Big bang or creation?
How much does it matter to you, if it matters at all?
Theory or belief?
Is there even a difference between the above two?
What are you Certain of?
How certain are you of Certainty?
Do we have free will?
What happens to 'us' when we 'die'?
Wanna bet your life?
Who really cares if these questions get answered?
Are there answers?
Are you sure?
Are you pissed that this sounds like what you're doing in school and some idiot actually bothers to think about it?
Did any of those questions make sense?
Did you think about them?
Who is reading this anyway?
Why bother, indeed?

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