
On fighting

I don't. Really. I just kind of let things happen. I don't resist. Which sucks. It's been going on and on and on. I'm not tough enough, strong enough, fast enough, skilled enough. I don't go the distance. I don't improve. Not enough. And so I lose. Submit. Give up. Stay mediocre. Stay in crap but familiar surroundings.

I am my own worst enemy. I can't do this alone but even then it is always a choice I make.

Scared of hard work.

So ironically (or appropriately), I just picked up a combat sport. After failing (it really depends on who you ask) in this other awesome sport.


Let's see.

The only thing keeping me going is that I'm still a work in progress. But there are days it seems like the 'other' me is tearing everything apart.

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