
Chinese Essay-ness

Here are two guys, Bob and Larry. No, they're not the veggies.

Bob and Larry went to the same school since they were whatever-age-parents-start-deciding-to-send-their-kids-to-school.

They both floated along with the system attaining average grades, weren't really involved passionately in anything in school, etc. They were effectively invisible.

Bob decides to go to university (Which is possible even with average grades. Really.) and continues to study something he's not interested in at all, which he has been doing since a little after whatever-age-parents-start-deciding-to-send-their-kids-to-school. He then goes on to make big bucks without actually using much of the stuff he's learnt, but was required to know for unknown reasons. He hates his job (lack of a life).

Larry, like Bob, realises he's been studying something he's not interested in at all since a little after whatever-age-parents-start-deciding-to-send-their-kids-to-school, and becomes bored with the paper trail that can only mean more meaningless study, quits school at 17. He loafs around the rest of his life, disillusioned. He hates his life (lack of a job).

They both die.


That's not exactly the end, but that's another post.


Obviously, this isn't that obvious. Yet. You want to either ask me about this and be prepared for a long rant or just wait for another time when I can frame my thoughts properly and try not to sound too immature or unrealistic about how this came crashing down on me a little after whatever-age-parents-start-deciding-to-send-their-kids-to-school.

Ok, fine. Quite a while after.


1 comment:

butler said...

i catch no ball.