
A first post

Ha. Ha. To those who got the joke for my blog title.

Well. For those who thought I'd never blog: yes, I'm disappointed too. But since I don't actually say much in person aside from all the nonsense, this is probably one place you'd get to look at the 'proper' stuff (or more nonsense, if you prefer).

First off, this blog will not actually be me. Sad but true for the stalker-types out there. It will probably consist of too well thought out posts (hopefully) that will remove all intimacy (term here used very loosely) whatsoever. Stalker-types: You probably know where I live, what my phone number is, what my email is, where I am during the week, etc. That should be sufficient, I think.

Heh. That is to say, this blog isn't going to be a journal of any kind where I'm going to pour out my soul with its deepest darkest secrets. Not online anyway. It's also not going to be some shallow crap either, i.e. whether I brush my teeth or not every morning is going to remain a mystery.

Still, I resolve to make this blog one where I'm going to express my opinions and what I believe is Truth. This will be a place where hopefully people will come and interact with ideas responsibly, and THINK. Its aspiring to be a mental gym of sorts. (Yes, you can laugh about this in school.)

So. Here goes. If I ever deviate from this badly done manifesto, I hope people like you will prod me back on the right track.



isseth said...

roflrofl rugger. lets see how true you stay to your "manifesto" of non-nonsense. bet my buck it wont last.ehehe

Bean said...

[...]this blog isn't going to be a journal of any kind where I'm going to pour out my soul with its deepest darkest secrets. Not online anyway. It's also not going to be some shallow crap either, i.e. whether I brush my teeth or not every morning is going to remain a mystery.

Still, I resolve to make this blog one where I'm going to express my opinions and what I believe is Truth. This will be a place where hopefully people will come and interact with ideas responsibly, and THINK [...]

I gotta agree with you on that approach to blogging...

† Fabriz † said...

*Bakes the welcome cookies*

And another one succumbs... looking forward to seeing how many different ways of cutting there actually are. ^_^

† Fabriz † said...

*Bakes the welcome cookies*

And so another one succumbs... though Eliel sometimes wants to be taken seriously, so lets be serious.

Eliel is probably the Phil type blogger who will actually post interesting reads and insights compared to my boring, mediocre life and desperate attempts to obfuscate. Somehow Phil and Eliel do it much more convincingly. In prose. YOU GO.

aviabloom said...

um hi. interesting post. go get a tagboard!

eliel said...

No, no, no... a tagboard would make this way too, uh, mainstream. Heh. Kidding. Well. Uh. It's safe to say this way everyone will think of what they're commenting instead of spamming.

Anonymous said...

Very true; the comment is always more thoughtful than the tag...