
Look at me! I'm a deviation!

So. Let's get the formalities out of the way.

Memphis Will Be Laid To Waste - Norma Jean

Yay. This song is fantastic. It features Aaron Weiss from mewithoutyou for the last part of the song. So, if you're into actual singing, these two bands are not your type. At all. Think shredding. But not on a guitar. ON A THROAT. And some spoken word type vocals from Aaron.

BUT. Aside from the great raw sound and poetry, this song is even cooler by the fact that IT HAS A NIRVANA RIFF IN IT. Anyone notice? Anyone? Knowing no one is going to listen to Memphis anyway, I'll just leave the Nirvana song title a mystery, since it's INCONSEQUENTIAL. Like this post.

Lately it has been playing over and over and over and over and over in my head. I was hoping talking about it would make it stop, but it hasn't. Ah well. I could try removing the earphones, but it would be too much of a hassle.

And I have run out of seemingly relevant meaningful things to say.

Pack your belongings for exile, you who live in Egypt, for Memphis will be laid waste and lie in ruins without inhabitant. Jeremiah 46:19


Wiki touches a sore spot

Any takers that this was posted by an agent of a certain republic's government?

And since those odds are too safe for you adrenaline junkies, how about: hundred bucks I DON'T get arrested (by whom or what, it doesn't matter)?

But seriously. This is SERIOUS. I'm vaguely pissed about the fact that inequality of some form is still around so close to home. But hey. Speak Good Malay? Anyone? No one? Can I not watch this Chinese cooking show without subtitles on the bus? Please?

Call it practical demographics, call it the result of selfish people in power, whatever it is, I can't quite put my finger on why it's so disturbing.

BTW WIKI FTW SSBATW (since sliced bread and the wheel; please, pick this up, this being a desperate plea for publicity through internet phenomenon)

Har har

Well, I'm back

First of all. That quadpost made me look like a retard. I apologise (for making me appear to be less of a retard then I actually am). Freaking error messages.

Well... Nothing like a geography field trip to spice up a school holiday. Came back yesterday with not much worth mentioning or buying, save for this interesting thing called, and I quote the menu, a black bitch. If you happen to stumble across this post due to those particular keywords, you probably aren't in the right place.

See, you'd expect some badass thing, right? Plus it's a cocktail. A cocktail named a BLACK BITCH. I mean. Dood.





It should be like. Uh. Mosh. For the want of a better word with connotations to a certain... person.
-Very Bad In-joke

Ok. On to stuff that you should be thinking about. So. Does tourism do more good or bad to a country? (Cite relevant examples you have studied. Sorry, couldn't resist.) Looking at the row upon row of branded surf shops, suffering from the McDonald syndrome of spawning every 10 meters, has given birth to the associated hip-hop/techno/trance/skater/surfer/BADSTREETKULTURE (that has subsequntly rotted away the very core of my being). And thus, Kuta, Bali, feels like AUSTRALIA. Or something. And that is, uh. Good? And, following closely behind: globalisation, etc, etc. I won't bore you with the details. But I will say I don't mind bumming out everyday with a six-pack (in every sense of the word) on the beach renting out surfboards to foreign visitors to my sunny island(-city? Meh. If only this place had decent beaches).

Still, it's a big contrast to the rest of Indonesia.

And. I intend to upload more nice photos I took in Bali. Heh.