
Wiki touches a sore spot

Any takers that this was posted by an agent of a certain republic's government?

And since those odds are too safe for you adrenaline junkies, how about: hundred bucks I DON'T get arrested (by whom or what, it doesn't matter)?

But seriously. This is SERIOUS. I'm vaguely pissed about the fact that inequality of some form is still around so close to home. But hey. Speak Good Malay? Anyone? No one? Can I not watch this Chinese cooking show without subtitles on the bus? Please?

Call it practical demographics, call it the result of selfish people in power, whatever it is, I can't quite put my finger on why it's so disturbing.

BTW WIKI FTW SSBATW (since sliced bread and the wheel; please, pick this up, this being a desperate plea for publicity through internet phenomenon)

Har har


eliel said...

Hm. Interesting graffiti. And links that kind of balance it out. Kinda.

isseth said...

har har. i shall attempt to help veer your blog on it's originally intended path of "serious" topics though i fear i'll just add to the mucking about.lol.
anyway i guess why this is so particularly disturbing to us is due to 3 main reasons(3 because my brain is too dang lag right now to think of more).
First being the fact that people of our race arent exactly on the benefiting end of this constitution and hence we somehow feel a sense of inherent and somewhat selfish sense injustice.not saying that this sense of injustice is any less unjustified though.
Second being the fact that such iniquity is embedded within the constitution of a country i.e the core rules and regulations governing a country, hence making the impact of this unfairness all the more detrimental as compared to if it were just a social atmosphere unendorsed by a constitution.
Third, being the fact that we have never been subjected to such unfair and unequal treatment nor have we seen first hand such treatment in our time spent growing up where we are. as such it's kinda difficult for us to grasp the extent of such acts and the extent to which the effects of such acts play out. it occuring in such close proximity doesnt really work to assuage our "feelings of being disturbed" does it?

eliel said...

Someone buy the guy a drink.