

I can tell it's affecting me. 'It' referring to various prods to make people think. Or just RCKY trying to stay alive.
So. I say knowledge, other than when used for leverage (term left vaguely defined to facilitate some sort of thought), is basically useless. Really. Knowing for the sake of knowing or for one's interest doesn't seem to count either, because apparently, what you know and how you came about knowing it is just trash...
Wait. That was nonsense. That, was some desperate fool clawing for a view that isn't 'cookie-cutter', blind to the fact that it is precisely these self-deludedly 'non-conformist' views that are a dime a dozen among the world's self proclaimed intellectual thirteen year old population (not being discriminating, but usually thirteen's a time where (some) kids think they're too smart for various things, mostly concerning with authority in its various forms, though there are some cases where they don't grow out of it; or, as the previous paragraph (and this one) suggests, lurks at the darkest corner of one's psyche, waiting to emerge, of all places, online where views are oh-so-conveniently presented, rants blared, and one's Superman pyjamas hung out to dry (not that I have any) (I do have too many parentheses though)).
My bad. Sorry RCKY. I should never have left you in the art room.

1 comment:

† Fabriz † said...

Yay so at least we're in the same Econs class.